The Kea Academic Program
The Kinross Extension & Acceleration (KEA) Program caters to the needs of talented and gifted students.
Earning a position in the program is the key to your child excelling and engaging throughout Years 7 – 10. If your child earns a position in the program they will be grouped with like-minded students and taught a specialised program that will prepare them for Years 11, 12 and University.
The program provides students with:
Extension – exposing students to a higher level of content and concepts, offering students opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge.
Acceleration – through covering the curriculum at a faster rate and allowing time to investigate integrated activities and delve deeper into concepts.
Further Information
In order to sit selective testing, (at Kinross College), your child will need to be enrolled, or in the enrolment process. Please email our Program Coordinator for more advice.
For further information on the testing and selection procedures, or specific detail about involvement in the program. For the attention of the KEA Coordinator email or call on 9233 6700.