
Kinross College is a local intake school taking students from the suburbs of Kinross, Burns Beach, Mindarie and part of Quinns Rocks.

At Kinross College we teach children in Yrs 7 to 10.

Kinross College is currently undergoing an expansion to include Year 11 in 2024 and Year 12 in 2025.

Please refer to our local intake area map. If you are interested in enrolling your child at Kinross College please contact our Enrolment Registrar via email or telephone on (08) 9233 6700. Please note the College office is closed over term breaks. Refer to Calendar for term dates.

Dress Code

The College dress code was implemented after consultation with parents, teachers and the student community. The uniform assists in building a sense of team spirit and encourages equity among students. Read more…

Enrolment Process

Kinross College is a local intake school. Accordingly the Principal will:

  • Enrol an eligible student whose usual place of residence is in the local intake area of the College.
  • Set aside sufficient places to accommodate children who may move into the local-intake area during the school year.
  • Apply the following selection criteria if the school has further capacity and appropriate programs to accommodate children from outside the local intake area:

Out of Area Selection Criteria

  • 1st – Students applying to enrol in a Department of Education approved specialist program. This does not apply to Kinross College.
  • 2nd – Students who have a sibling at the College.
  • 3rd – Students who live in closest proximity to the College.

International Students

Coming Soon.