Explicit Teaching

Explicit Teaching

Explicit teaching is the preferred instructional practice at Kinross College. It directs students’ attention toward specific learning in a highly structured manner. At Kinross College we have adopted this approach to ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve. Our focus on explicit teaching is based on the premise that;

  • all students can be high achievers and
  • every child matters every day

Topics and contents are broken down into small parts and taught individually. It involves explanation, demonstration and practice. Children are provided with guidance and structured frameworks. Topics are taught in a logical order and directed by the teacher.

Another important characteristic of explicit teaching involves modelling skills, behaviors and thinking. Teachers think out loud when working through problems and demonstrates processes for students. Student attention is vital – listening and observation is key to success.

Developing inspired, ambitious and considerate adolescents to work with passion and integrity towards excellence.

The Explicit Teaching Model

The explicit teaching model includes the following components:


The warm up is specifically to move knowledge from short to long term memory by oral repetition and chanting of core facts or skills previously taught through fast response activities on the whiteboard or on flashcards. Components included in the warm up are phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, sight words, grammar and vocabulary.


The introduction is designed to review or make links to previous work and to engage students ready for new or continued learning.


I do involves the direct instruction by the teacher of the process or skill and the explicit modelling of the expected standard. This is where the teaching is broken down into a step-by-step process.


We do involves the students in guided practice of the process or skill until all have mastery. The learning is a scaffold to build student confidence.


You do component is where the student works silently on the individual task while the teacher moves around the class to monitor, provide feedback and support.


Plough back & review provide an opportunity to review key concepts/skills and clarify expected standards and qualities.