Kinross Police Ranger Cadets
The Police Ranger program offered at Kinross College, in conjunction with Cadets WA, offers students in Yrs 8-12 amazing opportunities to develop an array of self-management, interpersonal and outdoor skills, along with knowledge of the WA Police Force.
A wide range of programs are offered within Parade times that not only provide opportunity for Rangers to demonstrate the required competencies, but also engage in fun / active learning experiences relevant to their local community and available facilities.

All camps foster team building and leadership.
All Rangers participate in formal training such as Essential and Senior First Aid courses, Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue qualifications, in order to build their capacity to identify and manage risks and become actively contributing members of the broader community.
Kinross Police Rangers also have access to International programs such as World Challenge, a month long expedition to a less developed country designed to physically, personally and socially challenge students.
Rangers are recognised for their achievement of competencies, and for demonstrating excellence in leadership, through a formal Graduation Ceremony at the end of the year where many Rangers achieve promotion to the next rank. All instructors and students within the unit abide by the Ranger Oath and Code of Conduct demonstrating respect and service to others. Students in the Ranger program consistently develop and model skills, attitudes and values that have a positive impact on their schooling as well as their social interactions.
As a pre-requisite of entrance into the Kinross Police Ranger Cadets program, students need to attend Kinross College. Once in the program, students will have the option to continue in the program when attending Upper School.
Rangers meet every Wednesday at 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm from Week 5 in Term 1 of each year and continues until the Rangers graduation ceremony at the end of year.
Units of competence, to be achieved at varying levels depending on rank, include;
- Policing
- Drill and ceremony
- Land operations
- Navigation
- Communications
- Physical skills and training
- Safety – including risk identification/assessment/management
- Leadership
- Community service
Rangers have access to 4 camps each year which are designed to allow them the opportunity to apply the competencies they have developed within Parade times. We offer;
Term 1 | cycling or kayaking camp |
Term 2 | roping camp (climbing, abseiling etc) |
Term 3 | hiking camp |
Term 4 | combination camp |