Learning Pathways
We have introduced an additional learning pathway in Mathematics, Science, English and the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Our school has four pathways for students: KEA, Advanced, Standard, and Essentials. The KEA pathway is for students who have a keen interest and aptitude in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The Advanced pathway is for students who are ready for more challenging and rigorous learning. The Standard pathway is for students who follow the regular curriculum at their year level. The Essentials pathway is for students who benefit from a more streamlined and scaffolded curriculum. All students will be assessed according to the Western Australian Curriculum and the Judging Standards set by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Students who follow any of the four pathways will receive an additional pathway grade on their semester reports. We have created these pathways to ensure we provide the best learning opportunities for all our students. You can see which pathway your child is on by looking at their Compass cover page in the parent Compass portal. Students may change pathways based on their achievement. If a student has to move to another pathway, this will usually take place at the beginning of a semester and parents will be notified of any changes. If you have any queries about your child’s current status in their core subjects, please contact the relevant Head of Department.